Who's a cute little piggy? Oh, you are!
Who's the prettiest most adorable lucky piggy? You are you are!!Oh look at you so precious and pink with your cute little hooves! awww.
Who's the bestest...tastiest piggy? You are! CHOMP!
Oh, the pig... In Buddhist tradion it sometimes represents the deity called 'Varahi', who is:
The boar-faced goddess who protects Newari (Nepalese) temples and buildings, Varahi or Barahi, refers to any of 4 sow deities who preside over Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. They guard the gates of the city-as-mandala.
In Egypt:
-Nuut, the Egyptian goddess of the night, Mother of Stars, was sometimes depicted on amulets as a sow suckling her piglets.
In Greece:
Swine were sacred to Demeter, goddess of the earth's fertility, who was the mother of Persephone, queen of the underworld. In autumn, during the rites of Thesmophoria, her devotees drove a herd of swine into a labyrinthine cave. Later, they would return to see if the deity had accepted this offering by examining the condition of any pig carcasses that might remain.
The pig truly is a wonderful, magical animal! Strong, powerful, noble, highly intelligent, harbringer of good luck, and also...
Quite delicious!!! Ich muss Schwein essen!!!
The pig is a wonderful, magical animal...that sleeps in its own shit.
You'd think a deity would have more respect for itself.
jane's addiction - pigs in zen.mp3
Aquí veneran tanto y tanto a los lechones que por eso los ensartan en una vara y se los comen y hacen morcilla y cuajitos también... y ahhh ¡no nos olvidemos del chicharrón volao!
y siempre lo puedes fakear con el pavochon y el pollochon. plop!
Diaaaaablo, se me olvidaba, Chona La Puerca Asesina... un tributo.
Ain't no fakin it...tiene que ser puerco de veldá, si no te va a dar mala suerte!!!
Pues mano. Yo no como carne de cerdo. Me jodi.
Te convertiste al judaismo?!!! Islam? No, eres adventista!!!
Puerquitoos!!!! Yo quiero UNOOO!!! ^_^
O al menos parte de el. En mi cuajito con guineitos hervidos. O al lado de mi platon de arroz con habichuelas. :D
oye.. el que esta hecho un cerdo eres tu.. limpiate esas unias!!!!!! so puerco!!!!!
Creia que no se iban a dar cuenta...oink!
zangano -
no mano. no me gusta excepto el jamon y la tocineta.jijijiji.
pero cuando vengas para aca podemos tirarnos un tour de lechoneras si quieres.
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